Links - Research and Government Organisations
Research and Government Organisations
Australian Petroleum Cooperative Research Centre
Centre d'Énergétique
Center for Petroleum Engineering (CPE)
Center for Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering
Energy Research Clearing House (ERCH)
European Petroleum Application Center
Gas Research Institute
Gas and Oil National Information Infrastructure (GONII)
GOCAD Research Program
Geosciences Project into OverPressure (GeoPOP)
Institut France Pétrole (IFP)
Institute of Petroleum, The (UK)
LMFA (France), Fluid Mechanic Laboratory, Parallel Computing
Norwegian Marine Technology Research Institute
Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)
Offshore Technology Research Center
Petroleum Authority of Thailand
Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain, The
Research Development Corporation of Japan (JRDC)
South East Asia Petroleum Exploration Society
UK Department of Trade & Industry